Thursday, April 3, 2008


So I changed my idea. I will post it up soon. First, I have to share my story!

I begged my two friends to help me get masonite to make the mural. I need 6 4"x8" panels but had no way of transporting them and Peggy has a truck! Well, her and Kevin met me at Home Depot where we found a man and waited for about 45 minutes for him to get us the masonite. We finally got it then had to go through the process of strapping it to Peggys truck. It ended up happening, but they still had to drive 20 MPH down Olden with the warning lights on while I drove behind them to make sure no one was going to get killed. We finally ended up at TCNJ, parked illegally and got the masonite in the building! THANKS PEGGY AND KEVIN! IM SORRRRRRYY!!

Well, now I can physically start my mural, which I will be doing this evening